Abrasion Resistant Slurry Spools
Offering the ultimate solution for wear pipe applications when traditional methods of wear protection are not the answer. Our bi-metallic or ceramic lined pipe and spools are tailor-made and engineered to fit the most severe conditions for hydro transportation and slurry pumping.
Wear Pipe Solutions for Slurry
and Abrasive Material:
Supported equipment for:
Slurry Pumping
Pulverized Coal Transport
Oil Sands

The white phase is a chromium-rich carbide known as M7C3. The matrix consists of dendrites of austenite, some of which may have transformed into martensite. There may also be relatively small quantities of other alloy carbides.
Case Study
In a collaborative joint effort with ClearStream Wear Technologies LP:
Offering straight spools to complicated fittings such as Tees, Elbows, and Reducers.
Straight pipe: 2" to 60" diameter in various lengths
Bends: 8" to 60" diameter with various radius'

Supported equipment for:
Proposing an assembly with CWI liners inserted into a steel pressure boundary to comply with pressure pipe codes such as ASME B31.3
CWI can reduce the need to replace spools and lower maintenance interval time.
The pressure shell can be reused. Maintenance and liner replacement can be possible based on multiple design options.
Depending on the design, UT can be possible for thickness and wear monitoring, therefore a preventive maintenance and replacement schedule can be carried out.
In Contrast to Bi-Metallic and CWI spools ClearStream Wear Technologies LP Offers:
Chromium Carbide overlay (CCO): for erosion
Nano Matrix and Complex Carbide: increases longevity and impact performance
Tungsten Carbide Overlay (WC PTA): application for severe erosion
Stellite®/Cobalt Overlay: Stellite® application for corrosion and erosion
Inconel® Overlay: 600 series and Stainless overlay designed for corrosion application
Hastelloy® Weld Overlay: application for corrosion and heat